Barret's Fight Against Autism

A blog about ABA therapy, fighting autism, and supporting those who are facing it. Plus some recipes, funny stories and cute pictures of Bear!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Mississippi Kids

This is my cousin Emily's little boy that just turned 2. This kid is ALWAYS "nekkid" having his "nekkid time", which apparently lasts for hours each day! He is the embodiment of southern kids. He loves play-doh. He spent hours making "weiners and balls" for us. He would roll one up, bring it to us and say, "Looky dair, looky dair, riiite thar's uh weiner fer ya." Toooooo funny!

When we were done with our weiners and balls, we went down to the low water bridge to play in the creek. This bride scared the crap out of me when I was a kid. It had boards about 8" apart with two long boards that you had to balance your tires on. Some boards were missing, so some places had 16" gaps. The whole bridge would sag and creak as we drove over it. I remember staring through the holes in the rusted out floor board of my dad's truck, I mean "Deddy's truuuck", thinking I could easily fall through the truck floor and the bridge into the water. We used to go down when it would rain to watch the water rise up higher than the bridge.

Also just behind the bridge there is a big sloping clay slab with a "sprang" running over it. It's like a gigantic arctic water slide. We would cover our entire bodies in clay creating a spa-like full body "mask" which would harden to the point that you could barely walk to the water to wash it off. At least it kept the horse flies away!

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